Here it is July already. A short week for work. I enjoyed the 4th with the Family. We went to watch fireworks at the park by the River with Jim and Carole, Shane and Angela, Gary and Cindy. Now it's back to work again. I have been working with our Mooresville, NC office trying to get a flight set up for my Assistant to fly to Denver in a couple of weeks but looks like there are some upcoming special projects and she will not be able to go. Looks like I will have to fly to Denver last week of this month or first part of August. I still have 3 weeks of vacation that I would love to take with the girls before school starts back. Maybe we could go fishing and camping again. They really loved it the last time we went. Of course, I would only take 1 week though.
I read some disturbing new today. I received an email that Nat had sent to Joe Ed and copied me on. It was about the local Governments May now legally seize people's homes and businesses-even against there will- for private economic Development. WHAT!!! That's what is reported on CNN's web site. You have to be kidding. Just like Nat said, "What Country is This?" Did Joe Ed say "Socialists at Work" What else could it be? So, I guess the next question is, What do we do about this? Just let them take our property for their growth? Feel free to leave comments. I will try and post a link to the web site about it. Who knows, the government might make them remove the story from the web.