All we hear now days is about the health care reform. I wanted to put my few cents in while I can. Don’t get me wrong, I am not about the government running our lives and taking over all of the banks and being in control of my finances. They are doing that now as it seems. But something does need to be done about our healthcare system. I am sure that I don’t know both sides of the story about what the President is wanting to do with our health care system or what the GOP is wanting to do. But the bottom line is, something needs to be done about our current system. I know there are a lot of folks out there that are paying way too much for their coverage and that there seems to be no type of regulations in place for what insurance companies can charge or who they cover. What we need in this country is an overhaul of our Health Care. I don’t have all of the answers but I do know that Government doesn’t either. We need to get back to the basics where OUR Representatives in Washington actually work for US! If you have a Representative in Washington that is not working for you and the people of your state, DON’T vote them back in office.