Sunday, November 10, 2013

As I have already made a Facebook post, I wanted to take this short time to elaborate on some things.  Monday, November 11th is Veteran's Day.  Veterans Day always means a lot to me each year.  It reminds me not only of Those who have served our Country in the past but those who currently serve.  It reminds me of Those who I have had the privilege to serve with as well.  I am a Vet!
  There have been times when I would go into a store or some place and they would notice that I am a veteran.  You see, in the State of Arkansas, if you are a Veteran, it is noted on your driver's license.  Folks would notice that in some way and thank me for my service.  I would feel a little awkward and tell them thanks.  I remember once while I was still in the U.S. Navy, had come home on leave and had attended a function at the local school here in town where I had graduated from.  I was in uniform that evening for some reason that I can't remember and after arriving there, I received a standing ovation.  I was embarrassed but at the same time very proud to be serving.
  I guess what I am trying to say is to all Veterans, You should be proud when someone thanks you for your service.  Receive what rightfully belongs to you.  A Great Big Thank You!!  May God Bless you and your family.