Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Things Aren't What They Seem!

Well, it has been only a few years ago that I had decided to run for School Board.  I had been on the school board for a full year and then it hit me.  I am not a politician.  So I quit.  I resigned my position.  Simple enough.  
  Just before I resigned my position, the school board voted to cut the Volleyball program.  It was a unanimous decision.   I voted to cut the program for three specific reasons.  I didn't want to cut the program because my daughters wanted to play.  Things could have been different.  The school my kids go to are all about sports.  I am all about education, but I do understand the importance of sports in school.  I just wish that schools didn't exist just because of sports.  I could go on but I think you get the point here.  
   I could be like a lot of people and go on facebook and make a statement as to why I resigned my posistion on the school board.  But if people really want to know why, I feel that they should come talk to me about it.  I am not a gossip or rumor spreader.  What I am upset about is the fact that my oldest child has to suffer for some of the choices I have made.  Now she is getting harassed by some boys that feel that they have the right to pass judgement.  Well,  I have since file a complaint at the school for bullying and Harrasment against these two boys and I understand that it is a he said/she said kind of world.  But I do think that I did get someones attention.  Enough said for now.

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