Church is an important part of a Christian's life, or at least it should be. But what really bothers me is when I see or hear other Christians force Jesus down other peoples throats. They take it upon themselves to let it be known to all others that those who have missed Church for whatever reason is wrong and then they get a sermon preached to them of the importance of Jesus in their lives and that they should be in Church.
Please understand, I do believe it is very important for us to be in Church and be involved. We as Christians should let those that miss Church know that we have been missing them and ask if there is anything we can do for them. Otherwise, we risk a possibly hardened heart to be further hardened. We need to help prepare their hearts for the Holy Spirit to move. Remember, it's not what we say or do that makes a non believer accept Jesus. It's the move of the Holy Spirit that does that. You CAN'T force Jesus on someone. You CAN'T make someone go to Church by what you say or do. You can always let them know that they are missed or they are invited, whichever the case may be and ALWAYS Pray for them. There is only One that knows what is going on in their lives and it's not us. It's the Lord.
This is so true, cannot force anyone to listen to the Word of Jesus or accept Him, but as you say, we can lead them by speaking gently to them and let the Holy Spirit work. All things are possible through Jesus Christ.!!!!
This is so true, cannot force anyone to listen to the Word of Jesus or accept Him, but as you say, we can lead them by speaking gently to them and let the Holy Spirit work. All things are possible through Jesus Christ.!!!!
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