Sit Back and Relax. Have a cup of Coffee. Read what is going on with me and my family and view my Pictures.
Sunday, November 19, 2023
Sunday, September 17, 2023
I know it has been a very long time since I have posted here. So much has changed over the many years since my last post. All of our kids have grown up and moved out. Our Youngest has not gone to college and is in his Sophomore year. Lexi and Allison are now married. Lexi lives out of the area and Alli is close by. The in-laws had moved in with us but found that they were not very comfortable so we bought another house for them to live in that is just down the road. I have recently been diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and we are now dealing with that. I will comment more often now and see how everything goes. I feel this is the best place for me to share with who may be interested and to maybe even start posting videos.
May God Bless you all as I start to journal more and tell my story.