Saturday, September 03, 2005

Well, Here it is September already and the 3rd. My Beatiful Mother's Birthday. I have been wonderfully blessed that my Mother has been able to spend her Birthday with me and my family. Dad will be coming tomorow.
So many things going on in the world today. New Orleans and Mississippi gulf coast and all. The Price of gas. Just goes to show us that the coming of the Lord is getting closer. We still have all kinds of tools to be able to use if we can't travel. Instead of the phone we can use email and blogs and stuff to communicate. But like my Mother said before, can you still Worship the Lord in the dark as you have been able to in the light? Whether we have to use oil lamps or candle sticks, we should still be able to praise the Lord. Everyone keep in touch and keep looking for postings on this blog. Start your own even. Just remember, Make sure that your heart is right with the Lord and make Heaven your home.
There has been a lot going on at our Church. Now we only have about 5 of us going to the same Church and our kids. Everyone else left to start thier own Church which is a long story. Since all of that, I have heard the truth and we have decided to stay at the Church we have gone to all along. I am still Ordained through the Church and am the only Preacher that goes to that Church. I am sure that they want me to be the Pastor but I just do not feel led to do that right now. I have been filling in I guess and preaching and leading the service each time but I feel that is only temporary. Who knows, God my lead me in that direction in his time. I need to be willing to do his will and not mine or anyone elses. I keep praying that more people will come. We have everything set up. The bills and all. I have been elected temporarily to be the Secratary and Treasurer of the Board and Church until we have more people come. God will Bless his children. We just have to stay Faithful to him and not waiver.
I better go for now. God bless and keep in touch.

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