Thursday, March 09, 2006


I keep having to reflect back on my purpose. I have to keep looking at my wife and kids to stay focused sometimes. I am still unemployed and have been now since the end of September of last year. AAAHHH!!! I hate this. My benefits are about to run out now too. I have sent out numerous resumes now and nothing. I went to a job fair for a retail store and filled out the application today and took a test that was like a personality test. I have taken many of those before and have even administered some too because of my management experience. I had the interview with the store manager. After the interview, the store manager told me that I had a tremendous experience and an excellent resume but she could not hire me because I didn't pass the test. She said she didn't know what part I failed but that she had interviewed some that went really well and would have hired them on the spot but they didn't pass the test either. She apologized and stated that she wanted to hold onto my application and resume in case there was a glitch in the system. How disappointing. Well, to top it all off, I get home and it had been storming and I see the kids trampaline laying halfway in the field all destroyed. What a great day.

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