Friday, January 27, 2006

Just let the Son Shine Through

The Son always Shines through. Yes, I said Son and Not sun. God's Son. We have moved, our house has sold and we will close on it by the end of next week or first part of the week after. God has always met our needs and provided for us. We are living comfortably down the road from my Mother and Father. There is such a piece when you follow the path that the Lord has laid before you. But this is just the beginning. As one person told us as we were moving, she could not wait to hear from us again to see what the Lord is doing in our lives and how well blessed we are. I am still jobless but The Lord has his own timing. He knows I am ready but as my Wife put it, He knew that she needed me here to help unpack and get some things situated. Lexi is doing so much better in school now. It was such a change for her but she is pulling through with flying colors now. Allison is now being home schooled until kindergarten. Bradley is doing just fine and is growing fast. I can't wait to tell everyone when I start the Job the Lord has for me. To be honest, I can't wait to start it either. We haven't found a Church yet but the only way to do that is to visit around. We have only been here for about 3 to 4 weeks so it is a bit early. We just have to let the Lord lead us where he wants us. Michelle knows that there is a specific place for us where God is leading us to. How Exciting!! All of it is just Exciting how things fall into place. It only happens that way when you give God control. I will keep everyone posted. God Bless!!

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