Thursday, October 01, 2009

The Beginnings of Fall

It is hard to believe that it is already October.  The girls’ birthdays are this month which usually means we stay busy for the month.  Harvest Festival here in Bay is this weekend.  The good thing is that I am on vacation this week.  I have gotten a lot done around the house but still not finished yet.  The only other big thing that has to be completed before I head back to work is to install a new stove pipe for our wood stove and replace the damper in the pipe.  The weather is getting cooler here so we will need to get things ready for winter.  I hear that this winter is supposed to be colder and wetter than normal.  Things just don’t stay normal anymore when it comes to weather.  I can stand some snow but really don’t want the ice storm like we had last year.  We were the fortunate ones.  We were only out of power for about a week.  I am enjoying my week here at home.  My In-Laws have come to visit.  I enjoy them.  I finally have some one to share my coffee with.

October 6th is the run off elections for the Bay School Board.  I sure hope everyone gets out and votes.  I might have lost the primary election but there are still 2 other people that are running for the position that are more than capable to fill the position.  Becky Keith and Kevin Barnett.  Everyone has there reasons on who they will vote for.  I have my reasons of who I will vote for.  As I have said before, Both of these individuals would be excellent choices.  I will be casting my vote for Kevin Barnett.  I have known his family for a long time.  He has been a part of the Bay School system since he started Kindergarten and graduated there.  I graduated Bay Schools in 1985 with his Brother.  Whoever your choice may be, please cast your vote for your candidate.  Either way the election goes, We will all be winners.  Becky would do a good job, but just my personal preference, I will vote for Kevin.

I will be preaching again at Trinity Church on October 18th.  I will also be singing at the service too, which is a rarity. I will be singing with a friend of mine.  Michelle, I believe will be out of town that weekend.  If I sing, I normally sing with her.  I don’t sing by myself.  I am always excited when I get the opportunity to preach.  If you follow me on twitter (@jeffweir) you will se my profile which states that I am called to preach.  We all have a calling on our lives, but it is up to us to listen to the Lord for what direction we need to take.  Please join me on Sunday October 18th for an awesome, Lord Led service.    img014Please stay tuned.  There is more to come later.  God Bless!!

1 comment:

Nel said...

Hey, Time is passing quickly! Glad to hear from you and that all is well. Good here too!
God Bless! Nel.... Love the pic!