Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Holidays are Upon Us Part 1

I know it has been a while since I have posted and for that I apologize.  There were so many things that I wanted to write about but could never find the time to sit down at the keyboard and type it all out. 

  Part one of the holidays are now upon us.  My household will be getting a long weekend.  Some longer than others but who is counting, right?  I am so looking forward to going to Russellville for the Thanksgiving Holiday.  Lots of family to come together and enjoy not just the awesome food that everyone brings but also to enjoy the company and the time to play with all of the kids and visit with one another. 

  If you have noticed, this is just part one of the holidays.  That is because Christmas will be upon us before you know it and there will be more to tell.  I will try and post some pictures later  but in the meantime, I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. 

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Nerds & Geeks

Yes, I have concluded that I am a nerd.  You see, there is this upcoming event here in town called barcamp
Jonesboro.  It is this really cool "convention" coming up all about the latest trends in Technology and the web.  I purchased my ticket today and am so excited and then I thank about it and realize that I am a nerd/geek.  I really enjoy that kind of stuff as well as blogging and writing.  The event is an all day deal.  It includes meals and also they will have prizes there.  Prizes never hurt since one of the prizes is an ipad.  My Lovely wife is so understanding.  She hears my ramblings about my excitement and just doesn't say anything.  She is happy for me that I get to go.  The event takes place on September 25th.  Their website tells more information. You can go to http://barcampjonesboro.com for more information.  Maybe would be able to drum up some more computer work while I am there.  You never know.  You can follow me on twitter @jeffweir and I even have a twitter account set up for my business @WeirComputing.  Maybe one day, I will make enough from my business so that I can build a new "Family computer" that isn't so sluggish like the one we have now.  I have this awesome laptop but the main home computer we have is about 8 to 10 years old and is time for a new one.  I really want to build our next one myself.  I have built/rebuilt ones for customers but never one for us. enough of my ramblings.  Need to spend time with the family instead of in front of the computer.  I do that all day anyway.

Monday, July 05, 2010

Independence Day


  Many Americans have forgotten.  Forgotten a lot of things.  Oh yes, we all say that we remember 9-11.  But Independence day is a celebration of our separation from Great Britain and a celebration of when we became a Nation.  Maybe it’s just me, but it seems that we are giving up our Independence and giving it to the government.  Instead of this Nations’ Leaders concentrating on being friends with our foes, they need to make sure that they take care of our Friends and ourselves.  Sit down with your family and friends and read aloud the Declaration of Independence.  Afterward, Read the bible together.  Let’s try to get this country back on track.

Obama's Next Frontier for NASA: Fix Relations With Muslims?

  I saw this headline on the internet and thought that this has got to be one of the biggest jokes around.  Well I had to click on the link to find out what it was joking about.  Really, what would NASA have to do with fixing relations with anyone.  There job is space exploration.  I have noticed over the years how the space program has really been declining.  I have read and heard about the space shuttles being retired or it being their last trip to space and on and on. What ever happened to going back to the moon or exploring Mars?  Let me just clip some of the article that I read about NASA and what President Obama has in store for them.bolden_charles_397x224

    NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in a recent interview that his "foremost" mission as the head of America's space exploration agency is to improve  relations with the Muslim world.

Though international diplomacy would seem well outside NASA's orbit, Bolden said in an interview with Al Jazeera that strengthening those ties was among the top tasks President Obama assigned him. He said better interaction with the Muslim world would ultimately advance space travel.

"When I became the NASA administrator -- or before I became the NASA administrator -- he charged me with three things. One was he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science ... and math and engineering," Bolden said in the interview.

Really?!  You have got to be kidding me. Why should we cater to “The Muslim World” ?  Why don’t we start catering to the “Israeli” World instead.  What are these hooligans doing in Washington?  Obviously not working for us.  I think every single person in Washington needs to be reprimanded for not representing the people who voted for them and sent home.  

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Trip to Memphis

Michelle and I had this wonderful experience today.  We had the opportunity to be able to take some kids to Memphis this evening to LeBoneur hospital so that they could see their friend Clayton who in the hospital there after a bad ATV accident.  Clayton is in Lexi’s class at school.  It was a bad accident and Clayton was air lifted to Memphis.  There are 3 girls and 2 boys in the van with us now.  All of them are 12 years old and it is never a dull moment.  I have heard some stories, I tell you.  It can get loud at times too with all of them talking at the same time.

It has been fun though.  I am glad that Michelle came up with the idea to take some kids to see Clayton.  They were all pretty upset about Clayton’s accident.  She just thought of the kids and how good it would be great for them to be able to see him and make everyone feel better.  Michelle has thought of others as she always has.  She contacted the parents of the kids that wanted to go and made the arrangements and off we go.  Lexi is having a blast.  We left Allison and Bradley with my mother.

  I told Michelle when we stopped at McD’s on our way that I felt old and she asked why.  I told her that here you and I are and we are sitting at a table all by ourselves and 5 kids are sitting at a table together and we were responsible for them.  What a major responsibility it is to have someone else’s kid that you are making sure that they are staying safe.  We are enjoying it though and just love the kids.


Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Easter 2010


We had a great visit in Hector for Easter.  Enjoyed the Church service.  We had great food and Great company.  The kids really enjoyed the visit but it was just too short.  The Girls dresses actually came from a lady that made them from a pattern.  Such a lovely lady.  I had worked on her computer a few times and she had told me that she wanted to make my daughters their dresses for Easter.  What a wonderful blessing.  I won’t go into much detail though about the weekend.  For more information, go to Michelle's Blog and she will fill you in.  I have some more pictures that I will try and post later. 

  Things are going well for Weir Computing.  Hopefully, I will be able to get a web site built soon.  I have been getting some jobs here and there.  I am looking forward to more jobs coming in.  What a treat it would be to have multiple computers to work on at the same time.  Can you tell that I am just starting out? 

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Health Care Hoopla

All we hear now days is about the health care reform.  I wanted to put my few cents in while I can.  Don’t get me wrong, I am not about the government running our lives and taking over all of the banks and being in control of my finances.  They are doing that now as it seems. But something does need to be done about our healthcare system.  I am sure that I don’t know both sides of the story about what the President is wanting to do with our health care system or what the GOP is wanting to do.  But the bottom line is, something needs to be done about our current system.  I know there are a lot of folks out there that are paying way too much for their coverage and that there seems to be no type of regulations in place for what insurance companies can charge or who they cover.  What we need in this country is an overhaul of our Health Care.  I don’t have all of the answers but I do know that Government doesn’t either.  We need to get back to the basics where OUR Representatives in Washington actually work for US!  If you have a Representative in Washington that is not working for you and the people of your state, DON’T vote them back in office. 

Friday, February 19, 2010

Exciting Times

Well, we ended up going to the ER last night.  I had been having chest pains on and off over the last few days and decided to go ahead and go to the hospital to get checked out.  After an extended 6 hour stay in the ER, blood work done, CT Scan and EKG, I found that all I have is acute bronchitis.  Now I feel stupid for going in but at least I found that my heart is in excellent shape and no blockages anywhere.  It was a rough night.  I think it was rougher on Michelle.  We got back home from the  hospital at 4am this morning and she stayed up until she got the kids ready for school and came back from dropping them off and got in bed at about 8am.  She did get about 5 hours sleep before getting back up to go get the kids from school.  I, of course got my sleep in but still feeling a little rough.  Michelle is now passed out on the couch and I don’t have enough nerve to wake her.  Maybe I will just bring her pillow to her and make sure she is covered up.  Then I guess I will go to bed all by myself.  Lexi is having a friend over tonight too so they are keeping themselves busy.  Allison and Bradley are already passed out in their beds asleep.  Glad I am off this weekend.  I of course had to call in sick this morning cause there would be no way I could have worked after being up all night.  God Bless to you all.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Interesting Topics Being discussed

  Hello again everyone!  I know that it has been forever since I have blogged.  Things are going well.  Been real busy at work.  The weather here has been crazy over the last month or so.  We had gotten 9” of snow in my small little world.  Now they are calling for more snow next week but just don’t know how much.  For most folks, Snow might be the “Norm” for you.  In my little world, it is not.  The Kids do enjoy it though.  Brings back childhood memories for me too.
  Enough of the jibber-jabber though.  Let’s get down to the “Topics”.  I will only mention 2 topics today since I am running short on time.  The real funny topic is that I read an article from CNN about our President.  Let me just quote that for you here.
Addressing a gathering of Senate Democrats, Obama promised to "call (Republicans) out when (Democrats) extend a hand and get a fist in return."
Let me also give you the link so that you can read the full context of the quote.  It is Here.  Now this just cracks me up.  He meets with the GOP and gets hammered and then he goes to the Democrats and says now if those folks over there bother you, you come tell me about it.  Yea, right!  Like he is the Daddy.  Come on folks.  We DO NOT have time for this little bickering going on here.  We Need elected officials to do what they were hired to do.  It doesn’t matter what side of the fence they are on, just get off the fence and make a stand.  If you make the wrong stand (as determined by the voters) then you will loose your job.   Reminds me of telling my kids that if one hits you, come tell me and I will give them a spanking.  Oh my! what a waste of taxpayer’s money.  I didn’t think that the President was elected to scold either Democrats or Republicans but was elected to run the country.
  Now for the second topic.  Are you Ready for what the Lord has for you this year?  There has been a lot of Prophetic word going on and it’s still early in the year.  I know, some of you might be going on about not believing in all of that garb.  That’s fine. But what happens if you miss out on something?  Granted, you won’t just be blessed by reading or hearing but you will be blessed if you hear the WORD of God and act upon it.  I truly believe that this is the year that God will open up to his Children and pour out a whole bunch of stuff.  No, silly, Not Wrath.  But you never know who he might have to deal with either.  I am talking about those that have a calling on their lives.  Oh, but wait.  That is all of us.  We all have a calling on our lives from God.  This is the time to ACT on what GOD is calling you to do.  Have you ever felt that the Lord was leading you to do something, like preach, teach a Sunday School class, or help at a Nursing Home?  That might be your calling.  I pray that each of you that read this, will really take the time to dig into the Word of God and then take time to meditate and listen for the voice of the Lord.  You never know, you might just hear. 
  God Bless until next time!