Thursday, August 27, 2009

Jeff Weir for Bay School Board


Election Day is September 15th and coming up fast. There are two other people besides myself that are running for The Bay School Board position. All three of us would make a great member to the school board but I want to tell you more about myself and what sets me apart from the rest.

I grew up here in Bay and have attended Bay Public Schools from Kindergarten through the 12th grade. I am a 1985 graduate of Bay High School. I have 3 children that attend Bay Schools. Lexi who is in the 6th grade, Allison who is in the 3rd grade and Bradley who is in Kindergarten. My wife’s name is Michelle. She is a regular volunteer at Bay Elementary. My parents names are Gene and Norma Weir also of Bay. My Mother retired from the Bay public schools after serving 20 Years as the School Food Service Director. She taught me the importance of giving back to the community and that is exactly what I want to do. I started that journey shortly after High School by joining the U.S. Navy. I currently serve as President of the Bay PHT (Parents Helping Teachers) at Bay Elementary and have been asked to serve on the Bay High School Career and Technical Education Advisory Council. I am employed by FedEx Office in Jonesboro as the Assistant Manager.

The right person for this position needs to be able and willing to make themselves available to the community and to the parents of the students who attend Bay Public Schools as well as to the faculty. I know that I am that person who will listen and act. This position is not just about myself and my family. It is a lot bigger than that. It is about everyone in the community and about all of the children here that deserve not just an education but receive the Best that we all can give so that they can have many opportunities to be the next leaders in our Community and in our Country. I would like to have this opportunity to serve on the Bay School Board so that all of our voices can be heard. So that we all can put back into the school that has put us where we are today. The Bay Public School System plays a very vital role in our community and with me on the School Board, We can make a Difference.

Thank you for your Vote on September 15th.

Jeff Weir

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Beginning of School


Off To a Good Start

The kids seem to have gotten off to a good start this year with school.  They really enjoy it.  The Sunday before school started, I woke Bradley up and told him it was time to wake up and get ready for Church.  We lazed around a little and yawned.  I also told him that it would be just a few days and he would be getting up early each morning to get ready for school every day.  He then asked, “Daddy, will it ever be summer again”.

  The girls seem to like school ok this year too.  You know, they are at that age where they don’t say much about it.  Busy school year this year though since I am the President of PHT.  I am excited about what we can do as a group for the teachers and student at our school.  I am also running for School Board this year.  The election is on September 15th.  That is less than a month away.  This is the first time I have ever run for anything.   I am a little excited.  


P7170090 Make sure you follow me on Facebook and on Twitter.  Have a great weekend.

Saturday, August 01, 2009



It has been a Lazy summer. It has been cooler than most other summers that I can remember and it has also been the wettest that I can remember. This is the first year that I can remember that cotton hasn’t been planted next to our house. I say it has been a lazy summer but I just haven’t had time to do anything it seems. I get off work and all I want to do is just sit around and be lazy. I want to go fishing with Bradley or play golf but just never have enough time. There is so much work to do around here at the house. I am tired of it looking like white trash around the house but it is just hard when you have a brother that has pigs at our house and he also has the chickens too. He doesn’t have enough time for them either so they just suffer. Oh but don’t misunderstand, he feeds them but I guess if they were mine I would do thing different. But if they were mine, I would get rid of them. Pigs do really stink. I sit and here my self talk or hear my thoughts and realize that I keep saying I want, I want, I need, I need. What I want and need should be what the Lord has already provided me with. I am truly blessed. I have a good job. I guess I just need a vacation.

There are so many things that I want to do. One thing I do want to do, I will be doing on August 9th. In one more week. PREACHING!! I am so excited about that. Maybe a little nervous though because I have only preached at Churches where there were about 25 people. Next Sunday, I will be preaching in front of about 200 or so people. AAAHHH!!! But I can do all thing through Christ Jesus. I am also running for Bay School Board. I have some good competition. The reason why I am running for School Board is that I want to serve the community and the kids. I have 3 kids that are now in school at Bay, and I went to school there from Kindergarten to the 12th grade. It’s an awesome school and am proud that my kids are going there.

And with that, I say Good Night.