Saturday, July 29, 2006

Home Stretch

I am almost done with the training for now. I am stuck here at the hotel for the last weekend for this trip. But then I get reminded that I will be coming back here again for more Training in the fall. You know, after 3 weeks of being gone, I sure miss my family. I look around and wonder how these other folks handle it. They seem to handle it well but again, we don't always display our emotions and feelings openly. I am really looking forward to this next week being over just so that I can run home again and get all of that loving from the kids. There is just nothing like it. That unconditional love that you get from your own kids. Michelle has told me that the last time I was gone, that my youngest daughter, Allison, was getting physically sick because I was gone and she was missing me terribly. She got over it real quick when I got home too. She just wanted to sit in my lap the whole time and when I got home, I would catch her just starring at me. Like she couldn't believe that I was finally home. (hold on a minute while I wipe the tears from my eyes.) It's like Diane said before though, it will all be worth it in the long run. I am starting to look forward to the end of the long run. I thank the Good Lord everyday for what he has done for me and my family. I am truly blessed. I have a wonderful wife and beautiful kids. There are things that we go through in our lives that we wonder why but as long as we put our trust in the Lord and let him guide us in our everyday lives, then we don't have to worry about it. We just need to worry about it if WE are the ones that made the decisions and not letting God help direct us. It reminds me of a time when I was younger though. I went through Church split. It was sad. I was too young to really know what was going on though but I do remember. I got older and was going to a small country Church a few years ago. There was another Church split. I was so deeply hurt spiritually. I was devastated. I just couldn't believe that Christian people would tell lies like that. (Another story and might not even tell you about it) But God still brought me through it and I look back and see where God picked me up out of all of that and gently set me on a pedestal. God is so Good. Thank you Lord for watching over us. Thank you Lord for reminding us of the important things in life. Not the "stuff" but the Love and caring of each other because we are all part of the same family and we should all care for each other no matter what. God Bless you all.


Diane@Diane's Place said...

Hi again, Jeff. It's a muggy 84 degrees here at almost 1 pm on Saturday afternoon. It rained most of the day on Friday, praise the Lord!! We desperately needed it, and it was much cooler, but I know that won't last for long. :-)

I know what you mean about the important things in life being people, not things. I am doing a lot of cleaning and purging in my apartment, throwing away and giving away a lot of STUFF. Some of it is still good stuff, but it's either not useful to me anymore or not needed, and it's just more stuff to have to clean and care for that's taking up needed space. I have to do some spiritual cleaning/purging pretty often, too. :-)

And I've been through a church split, so I know EXACTLY what you mean about the spiritual devastation you go through. I was wounded for months, really years, I suppose. It has been 16 years, but I still remember how I felt when we walked out of that church for the last time. One thing, though, I did learn a LOT from it, which was God's purpose in it, I suppose. So far I haven't made some of the same mistakes I did back then, with God's help.

I'm glad this phase of your training is almost over and you can be back with your family soon. Hang in there, it won't be long now. Take care and safe journey home, my friend. :-)

Jeff said...

Thank you. Have I told you how much I enjoy your Blog. You are a deer sweet person.

Diane@Diane's Place said...

Why, thank you, kind sir! I'm enjoying getting to know you, Jeff. ;D