Saturday, July 22, 2006

What are you talking about?

Have I ever told you how your Mother and I met? Since Sunday is your Mother's Birthday, I thought that it would be a perfect opportunity. Especially since she is getting on with her age and all. I won't tell you my age though I am 8 years older. It all started years after I first met her. I knew she was a wonderful person. She was beautiful. I knew she was the one for me. The perfect one, just as she is today. We started dating. Actually some mutual friends of ours tried to get us together by asking us separately to go to the bar. She called me and asked if I was going. I said that I wasn't because I don't do bars anymore. She said she didn't either. So I asked if she would come over to my place and I would cook dinner. (Son, if you ever ask a woman over so you can cook dinner, don't cook hamburger helper). I remember when we started getting serious. She got nervous. Me too. But I knew that if I didn't take my stand, that I could loose her. I did however have to let her go so she could come back to me. Even though it was just for a day. I was miserable waiting for her. I found out that she was miserable too. I think that my famous statement to her was something like "I will let you go. But by doing so, I am taking a chance of loosing you. ( I didn't want to do that) But by doing this, you are also taking a chance of loosing me. If you come back, I might not be here." Well, thank goodness she came back because I was climbing the walls waiting. When I asked her to marry me, I did so in front of her family. I got her approval first though. Ha. When I did ask her to marry me, it took her a while to answer. She was nervous and wasn't sure if she was ready for a commitment. I knew I was ready. I can't describe how much I Love your mother. When I look at her, I am so glad that she is my wife. That she is the one that I will grow old with. I look at my children and see her. I see how beautiful my children are and know that is how my relationship is with her.

Michelle, Happy Birthday Sweetheart. I Love you.


Greeneyes said...

hopefully you dont mind my posting on such a private post but I couldnt help it , that was beautiful , really sweet and not alot of men would say those words let alone type them for his wife , wonderful love ,you really love each other , that is be the best Birthday present ever ! That makes up for you not being home !:}Bravo and happy Birthday to your MRS.

Diane@Diane's Place said...

Hi, Jeff. You don't know me, but I've been lurking for a while, reading your blog now and then. You do know my husband, I think. He says you used to ride the school bus together. Lamar Jennings, from here in Bay? My name is Diane and our daughter Jessica graduated from Bay this past May and is going to ASU in Jonesboro in August.

I see my friend Green Eyes has commented already. I've known her here on the computer for a good while and she is one of my best blogging friends.

I know from reading your blog that you were out of a job for a long time, and I'm glad to see that you've got a good job now. It will take you away from your family for a while but it will be worth all the time away when you get all your training done. I know what NCR is and I have several friends who work on Walmart's registers, etc. and work for NCR.

Good luck with your pigs and chickens. We raised both when I was growing up and I'd still love to have chickens, but not here in this apartment in the city limits of Bay, LOL.

Happy birthday to your wife, and take care.
