Monday, December 19, 2005

House Cleaning

I don't have a picture for this one but we will be going to our new address this week to clean. The carpets are now steam cleaned and the wood stove installed and the 6 Rick of wood delivered. Now we are going to clean the windows and baseboards and clean the kitchen and bathroom. We are also taking the kids beds with us this trip and have them set up for on moving in day, they will have their own beds to sleep on. It is getting colder outside now. I sure will be glad when the move is complete. I have made all of the address changes so I hope that it will work out. With the Post office supposed to be so great, I had put in the change of address to start on the 26th of this month, Well we went two days with no mail and each time, I went to the post office and asked if it had been forwarded by accident. The first time they said no it states that it is not supposed to be forwarded until the 26th. The second day of no mail, they said that it had been forwarded but not to worry, the forwarding station will notice the mistake and send it back. I am thinking that by the time I get the mail sent back here, we will have moved already. AAAUUUGGGHHHH!! hehe. Oh well. I am expecting a check to be coming so I hope it gets here soon for unemployment. I am also waiting for the Polar Express movie to show up I ordered off eBay for a stocking stuffer.

Monday, December 12, 2005

We have an Announcement to Make

As the little Bugler gets your attention. I wanted to let everyone know that we will be moving on 27 December. Merry Christmas to Everyone!!! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

two and a half weeks before Christmas, 4 days before my wedding anniversary. Time sure flies when you are unemployed. Still searching for a job. I have two hopefuls but still waiting to hear from them. House is still up for sale and the house was shown for the first time in a month, yesterday. The power, water and Gas is turned on at the house we will be moving into. The plan right now is to move in by the first of the year. The girls could begin the new year in their new school. By the end of this week the wood stove will be installed. We still have to paint and clean before we move in and need to see how much it would cost to have the carpets cleaned after painting and before moving in. Oh, did I mention that we are out of money? Still have the bills and house payment until it sells. God has been providing everything though. Everything I look at the finances and bills, I think, How can we continue. But when it is time to pay the bills, there seems to always be enough there. Yes I get unemployment benefits but when you are used to making $40K and now make less than $15K, UHHHHHGGGG!!!!
Do you feel my pain?

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Almost Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just next week. WOW! Time sure flies. Still jobless here but think that I might find out something definite on a job next week. I will keep you posted. It sure would be nice to have that job being only about 3 miles or so from where we will be moving too. Dad has hip replacement surgery next week so I will be there for that. Things seem to be moving along here. Still have the house up for sale but not really impressed with the agent though. Maybe not her fault though. She keeps saying she will fax over some papers but never hear from her. I email her and she finally emails me back but doesn't answer my question or mention anything about sending the papers. Just a little frustrating I guess. Michelle did talk to a lady she knows that mentioned that her parent who live in California were going to sell there house and move here in the area. She had mentioned to her parents about this house being up for sale and it would be perfect. So they are discussing it all I guess. That would be wild for that to happen but you know God has done Wilder things. So why could he not do this? I am excited. We have started packing stuff already. We need to get firewood delivered to the house we are moving too before it is too late or cold. It has gotten cold here already. We still have to replace the stove and pipe in the house we are moving too. Almost seems that there is not enough time. Oh well it will all work out.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Life of a Substitute Teacher

I have had the pleasure of being a substitute teacher at the local middle school where I live. I have really been enjoying it. The kids are good. I have filled in for the 5th-8th grades. Normally, a substitute teacher is someone who is maybe wanting to volunteer or something or maybe like me, between jobs. I have run into some of the other subs (as we are called) that seem to make it a career. Mainly it seems, to be Moms that were stay at home, and now their kids have grown up and they need something else to do. I however am still looking for a job. I wish I could do this everyday but to be honest, I don't get paid very much but it does tide me over with my unemployment benefits. Not sure how long that will last though.
Just wanted to keep everyone posted on what is going on in my life.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Fall Back

Don't forget that this Saturday is when we set our clocks back an hour. (Spring Forward/Fall Back). We are all doing well here. I did substitute teach at the middle school here one day this week. I also applied for a job that was posted at the employment security division. I haven't heard anything back yet though. Maybe too early. We did list our house for sale today. We already had someone come and look at the house too. The lady that came and looked at the house told the realtor to not even advertise the house or list it because she wants it. Of course, there is no offer made on the house yet so it still has to be listed and advertised. The realtor is supposed to come to the house again on Tuesday to show all of the realtors in her office the new property listing so that if they know of anyone interested, they can show the house too. She took pictures today of the outside and inside so that she could publish it for advertising. I am excited what God has for us, whether we sell it or not. I will keep you informed on how things go on the house and job hunting. Our plan is still to sell the house and move back by Mom and Dad. The kids would enjoy that and it would help us prepare for getting out of debt and for the coming of our Lord. I get goose bumps just thinking about it.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Will the search ever end? I am still looking for a job. Seems that things are not working out yet. We have decided to sell our house and move to where my parents live and will be able to find a job there. I know that it will be tough on Lexi because of school though. She is 8 years old now and has made some friends where we are now. She has been to 3 different schools so far since kindergarten. I have been substitute teaching at the Jr. High school here since being unemployed. Everyone keeps saying I need to go back to college to get a degree. I would love to do that but times are getting tough. It will be getting tougher though. Fuel prices for heating this winter is supposed to be going up 64%. Our highest gas bill last winter was about $300. Don't think we can do that and that is one of the reasons we are moving. We will put the house up for sell Monday and hope and pray that it will sell fast. God will take care of us though. I am not worried. All of our bills are paid up to date now and we still have some money left and God keeps telling me "Didn't I say that I would take care of my Children?".OH, us of little faith. He has always met our needs.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The first week so far of being unemployed has been like a vacation so far. I have enjoyed not having paperwork and emails and cell phones ringing all of the time. I have, however, been staying busy with helping Michelle out with the house work. I start substitute teaching for the local middle school here in town next week and am looking forward to that. Maybe they will call me to come in before that. I did get a call from Home Depot wanting me to take a job as Assistant Manager for the Little Rock store but not sure how much they will offer and if it would be worth driving an hour each way to and from work. We will have to wait for the phone interview which will take place this afternoon at 4:00pm. Don't worry. I will keep you posted on the results.
We are preparing for the Birthday Parties. October is such a busy month for us each year. Both Girls get a year older and we do too. They do grow up so fast though. I have enjoyed them this week. God Bless and will keep you posted.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

The Search Continues

The job search continues. Even though I may have been offered a position with the other company that was awarded the contract, they do not want to pay for drive times and not sure if they would pay for meals with overnight stays. They want me to pay out of pocket expenses in hopes to be reimbursed as they work things out. Sorry! Not gonna work for me. I did interview with the other Retail company this past Friday and seems that it went very well. The District Manager told me that she was confident that within the next 30 days she could get me started in the Management training program. Until then, I can substitute Teach at the local school and also apply for employment benefits and see if they might be able to help me find a job too. I am not worried about this though because I know that God is in control. He will continue to guide and direct me.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Job Search may Be over but is it really?

I have been offered a job with a certain company that took over the contract that caused the company I worked for (the last 5 years) to close down. I am not making the same amount of monety I was before but it is better pay than I have run across. I also have gotten a call from a well know retail store for an interview. I beleive that the career path with that company may be better. I have an interview with them this Friday and hope that the money will be better than what was offered to me so far. I will keep everyone posted.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Thursday, September 22, 2005

You just have to see the pictures I took of Bradley getting his first Barber Shop hair cut. He is so cute. I guess he takes that after me. It' s just a curse we Weir boys have. Everyone here is doing wonderfully. Still searching for a job since my company will be closing it's doors in a week from tomorow. I am sure that I will start getting calls from all over. I sure have posted resume's all over the place. I did finally get in touch with some folks in Louisiana. They are all doing just fine. I just hope that the Non Christians will see God through this and turn thier ways to him. Not much else is up except the price of gas is going up again. The weather here is hot and sunny. Maybe we will get some rain here next week with the new storm coming through.
You know, every morning I get up and go to my computer and read the news on certain web sites that show me the news I want to read. Maybe you all can come here and read the news of our personal lives each morning (or each month, depending on how often I make posts). God Bless and will write more later.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Found out that I am loosing my job. It seems that my company is closing it's doors since our contract wasn't renewed with Lowe's. Hopefully I will be offered a position with the company that will be taking over the contract. We shall see. Hopefully I will here somthing more definate this week. I will keep you posted. Otherwise, it seems that summer is starting to wind down. I am still wondering about my friends to the south in Louisiana. I haven't heard from them but will keep checking to see.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Well, Here it is September already and the 3rd. My Beatiful Mother's Birthday. I have been wonderfully blessed that my Mother has been able to spend her Birthday with me and my family. Dad will be coming tomorow.
So many things going on in the world today. New Orleans and Mississippi gulf coast and all. The Price of gas. Just goes to show us that the coming of the Lord is getting closer. We still have all kinds of tools to be able to use if we can't travel. Instead of the phone we can use email and blogs and stuff to communicate. But like my Mother said before, can you still Worship the Lord in the dark as you have been able to in the light? Whether we have to use oil lamps or candle sticks, we should still be able to praise the Lord. Everyone keep in touch and keep looking for postings on this blog. Start your own even. Just remember, Make sure that your heart is right with the Lord and make Heaven your home.
There has been a lot going on at our Church. Now we only have about 5 of us going to the same Church and our kids. Everyone else left to start thier own Church which is a long story. Since all of that, I have heard the truth and we have decided to stay at the Church we have gone to all along. I am still Ordained through the Church and am the only Preacher that goes to that Church. I am sure that they want me to be the Pastor but I just do not feel led to do that right now. I have been filling in I guess and preaching and leading the service each time but I feel that is only temporary. Who knows, God my lead me in that direction in his time. I need to be willing to do his will and not mine or anyone elses. I keep praying that more people will come. We have everything set up. The bills and all. I have been elected temporarily to be the Secratary and Treasurer of the Board and Church until we have more people come. God will Bless his children. We just have to stay Faithful to him and not waiver.
I better go for now. God bless and keep in touch.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Here it is July already. A short week for work. I enjoyed the 4th with the Family. We went to watch fireworks at the park by the River with Jim and Carole, Shane and Angela, Gary and Cindy. Now it's back to work again. I have been working with our Mooresville, NC office trying to get a flight set up for my Assistant to fly to Denver in a couple of weeks but looks like there are some upcoming special projects and she will not be able to go. Looks like I will have to fly to Denver last week of this month or first part of August. I still have 3 weeks of vacation that I would love to take with the girls before school starts back. Maybe we could go fishing and camping again. They really loved it the last time we went. Of course, I would only take 1 week though.
I read some disturbing new today. I received an email that Nat had sent to Joe Ed and copied me on. It was about the local Governments May now legally seize people's homes and businesses-even against there will- for private economic Development. WHAT!!! That's what is reported on CNN's web site. You have to be kidding. Just like Nat said, "What Country is This?" Did Joe Ed say "Socialists at Work" What else could it be? So, I guess the next question is, What do we do about this? Just let them take our property for their growth? Feel free to leave comments. I will try and post a link to the web site about it. Who knows, the government might make them remove the story from the web.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Sitting in the Cabinet room with Bradley and Allison Posted by Hello

I thought that someone might like to see a picture of my office. It has been a busy day at work. The papework never seems to end. Michelle says that I spend all day sitting and it seems that the paperwork keeps coming. At least it is steady work though. Maybe I will get a chance tomorow to get out for a while and visit with some folks. I did read a blog earlier today that stated that most people put up one of these sites and never keep it updated and that the person that wrote the statement planned one being one of thos people. Me too! There is just never enough time but will sure try to keep adding each week or whenever I see something I feel like writing about or new pictures to send.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Summer Time

Well, here it is Summer time. Looks like it will be a hot one this time. Already it has been getting into the upper 90's here. The swimming pool is coming in handy this year. I am hoping to be able to redo our fenceing in the back yard but it is way to hot to do that now. I still have to have the eaves of the house redone as well, but we won't go there right now. One can't do everything.